Scion happenings

Infamy was fascinating and illuminating, even though I've followed graffiti for many years, but left me feeling kinda depressed. It was something about Earsnot's arrogance and hatred for everybody. His sneakiness, petty thievery, and general pointlessness of his energetic tagging. I mean, I believe things have moved on. Graffiti isn't just about scrawling your own name on public/private spaces. It's about statements about the world around you. Where are Earsnot's pieces? Tagging is for toys.

The humorous moments were all about Joe "THE GRAFFITI GUERRILLA" Connolly, the notorious LA "buffer" who strategically tries to out do the graffiti taggers and bombers. I have seen Joe on a speaker panel before and he's a frantic maniac. Infamy captures his energy and drive; the film also features one on his conquests and as soon as I saw it I remembered I had this photo in my library. It's on Fairfax down on Pico Blvd. It's not often Joe leaves his mark as markedly as this. May be he jealous of the attention his foes get? May be he's turned to the Dark Side?! Hahahh

The opening short film was a Boost Mobile produced documentary on the so called 'Retail Mafia', primarily based out of NYC. It features ANYthing, Frank 101, Alife, J Money, Situationormal and SSUR.
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