Who you calling a 'Toy'?!
I've been following Tristan Eaton from NYC for a little while. Carl, the toy collector, told me that he's an ex-designer from Kid Robot. I just knew his work with Seen, the graff legend and the Pigs project, better known as 'NoSkool'.
So I get an email telling me that Tristan is in town this week. Earlier he was at the Munkey King toy store on Melrose a few blocks from home. But I'm no toy fella, so I opt for the art show at Blk/Mkt in Culver City instead.
There was live music from Fred Wreck, of Tha Dogg Pound fame ~ he dropped the ol' skool, classic party tunes. Oh, that would've been a cool mix tape! And, for visual stimulation there some live painting of panels that were selling for $500.
Here are some photos from the night out. It was fun. And the pretty, cute girl quota was high ;-) Hello Serena. Hahhaa. But I was there for the love of art.
Labels: Blk/Mkt Gallery, Fred Wreck, Thunder Dog, Toys, Tristan Eaton
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