Stevio...LA LA Lovin' It?

I'm British-born Chinese from Bristol, UK. I’m LA-based. I’m a hip hop aficionado. After 15 years in London I moved to LA to pursue a new career and outlook on life.

Back in the 80s I was a DJ. In the 90s I contributed to the world's first street style exhibition at London's Victoria & Albert Museum. In 2011, I had my first interviews published. Today, I’m keeping busy with music, art, photos and writing.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Still down with hip hop! Malcolm McLaren RIP

News of Malcolm McLaren's passing came over the internet. And now photos of his funeral have appeared on Facebook.

These are sad, but historic moments, but what made the funeral notable to old skool hip hop heads like me was McLaren's family choosing to adorn his coffin with graffiti as a tribute to the "Duck Rock" boom box featured on the album cover designed by graff legend, Dondi, and long-time McLaren collaborator, Nick Egan. (Psst. Let's not forget about the Keith Haring illustration.)

"I was kindly asked by Malcolm Mclaren's family to paint his coffin for his funeral. The boombox was an homage to the Duck Rock album cover painted by Dondi produced by Malcom Mclaren. Too fast to live and too young to die was a slogan used in the first boutique with Vivienne Westwood, at age 67 it pretty much says it all. What an honour. Rest in peace Malcolm." Tizer
I'd say this has lifted Tizer One from relative obscurity to a notch above that...I've just subscribed to his Flickr photostream ;)

Last words? "Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die" may have been resurrected, but I prefer the words in the floral tribute, "Cash from Chaos" which some would say was a better fit for McLaren!

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